
Hi! I'm Shelley Lay, a female Software Development Graduate working at Transport for Wales.

During my first year of the two year graduate scheme, I learned a lot of web development techniques. With the help and support of my line manager, I was able to build this small static site as a portfolio of my work. The fact that you are reading this means I also hosted the website for free, it's out there for the world wide web to see! This is not something I had done before because my previous website work had been done for university modules and were kept as local files or on the internal university web server.

So thank you to my line manager for helping me get my own website up and running! Oh and thanks for, you know, encouraging me to learn and flex my new web development skills.

The site is built using a Sculpin skeleton as a base which I adapted to suit my needs. I also added Tailwind CSS framework to easily adapt the style of the website as my confidence grows and develops. I was taught how to style using Tailwind as part of a project for my day-to-day job, so it was nice to create something from scratch to cement what I had learned.

I built this website as a personal project along side my work, learning and development as part of the 2023 Graduate cohort at Transport for Wales, you can read more about the graduate scheme on their website here (opens in new tab). The graduate scheme covers a period of two years and I published this website at the end of my first year.

Website Milestones